Into the fire of air battle of western front WW1!Make a massacre of airships.
Have you been waiting for something different 3D action air battle of WW1?
Now you can play "WW1 Air Battle 3D Action Airship Hunter Balloon Buster"
Airship Hunter allows you time travel running back over 1 centuary ago.
You fight as a pilot from allied powers against central powers in the first world war.
* Basic airplane : Sopwith Camel
* Sopwith Triplane
* Spad S XIII
* Bristol F.2
* SE 5s
Enemy airships and balloons
* Graf Zeppelin
* Drachen
* Type 800 hot-air-balloon
Enemy fighters and bombers
* Fokker Eindecker
* Fokker DrI ( famous as "Red Baron" )
* Albatros DV
* Gotha GI
* Gotha G v
You have 30 missions and hell mode.
(1) 5 Fighters based on real history
(2) 15 enemy airships , hot-air-balloon and fighters, bombers
(3) 30 normal missions and extra 30 hell-mode-missions
(4) Various weather condition
(5) Various terrain maps
Each mission has wide array of modes.
Tracking, slaughtering, looting, defense and so on.
You can eliminate dozen of enemy fighters using only one shot, Le Prieur rocket.( splash damage )
You can buy new advanced fighter, rocket, extra gas, repair kit and divine protection a shield saving mission money
Now hit the road!
Into the fire of burning western front sky.
Time to travel to 1 century ago to be a ace pilot of WW1 air battle.
Glory of sky is waiting for you!
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